HIIT Exercises Level 1


We created a video of hight intensity interval training (HIIT) level 1. In this video you can see differents exercises for this level. In some days, we will publish a HIIT workout routine (Level 1) with repetitions, recovery interval, circuit, …

You can see the post about HIIT: Hight intensity interval training 

Music: Punk, Jingle. “Lucky day”

feel good


Assessment of endurance fitness

There are two types of tests to assessment of the aerobic resistance: Maximum effort and submaximal effort. In this post, we have written about the submaximal effort because it uses in physical activity and health. In this types of test, it’s monitored the pulse rate and RPE (Rating of perceived Exertion Borg RPE Scale)

Why did assessment the aerobic resistance?

  • To establish a starting point to see the possible improvements
  • Volume and intensity of beginning
  • To have reference data
  • To identify strengths and weaknesses
  • To help to know short-term, medium-term and long-term goals

What test can you use?

  • According your level
  • According your age
  • Considering your limitations and injuries
  • Adapted to his interests and hobbies (more motivation)

When we must interrupt a stress test?

  • Chest discomfort
  • Systolic blood pressure <20mmHg
  • Systolic blood pressure >260mmHg
  • Diastolic blood pressure >115mmHg
  • Paleness, headache, nausea, clammy skin.
  • Failure to increase the pulse rate
  • Change in heart rhythm
  • You want to stop
  • Severe tiredness

Test A. YMCA step teststep1

The purpose of this test, is provides a submaximal measure of cardio-respiratory or endurance fitness. You can to step on and off the bench for 3 minutes straight while keeping a consistent pace and then see how quickly your heart rate will come back down

Equipment: a step with 30 cm, stopwatch and metronome (96 beat per minute)

Procedure: Go up and down during 3 minutes. After you finish, take the heart rate.

Scoring: The total one-minute post-exercise heart rate is the subject’s score for the test.


Test B. Rockport Fitness Walking Test

The objective of this test (Kline, 1987) is to monitor the development of the VO2max of people 18 to 69 years. Suitable for sedentary and older people.

Equipment: a stopwatch and distance of 1,6 km (one mile)

Procedure: To walk 1,6 km as fast as possible. The person records the time taken for the athlete to complete the test and the heart rate immediately on finishing.

Assessment: The formula (Kilne, 1987) used to calculate VO2max is:


You can calculate automatic:



Ladies 1 mile walk fitness score
Men’s 1 mile walk fitness score

Table reference: Heywood, V. (1998). The physical fitness specialist certification manual. Dallas (TX): The Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research.

Test C. UKK Walk Testwalk2

This test is designed to measure the respiratory and cardiovascular performance of  normally active men and women.  The UKK has proven to be a useful fitness assessment tool to support the guidance of exercise for health.

Equipment: a stopwatch and distance of 2 km (plain and interrupted)

Procedure: To walk 2 km as fast as possible. To register the heart rate every 500 meters. Then, to calculate the Walk Index.

Assessment: The test-result is the index-values which is calculated as follows (according to sex):




Assessment of endurance fitness


  • Earle, R. W., & Baechle, T. R. (2008).Manual NSCA: Fundamentos del entrenamiento personal. Paidotribo.
  • Heywood, V. (1998). The physical fitness specialist certification manual.Dallas (TX): The Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research.
  • Kline, G. M., Porcari, J. P., Hintermeister, R., Freedson, P. S., Ward, A. N. N., McCarron, R. F., … & Rippe, J. M. (1987). Estimation of VO2max from a one-mile track walk, gender, age, and body weight.Med Sci Sports Exerc19(3), 253-259.
  • LUNT, H. et al. (2013) Validation of one-mile walk equations for the estimation of aerobic fitness in British military personnel under the age of 40 years. Military medicine, 178 (7), p. 753-759
  • Nieman DC (1999) Exercise Testing and Prescription: A Health-Related Approach (4th Ed.). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, pp 90.
  • SARTOR, F. wt al. (2013). Estimation of maximal oxygen uptake via submaximal exercise testing in sports, clinical, and home settings. Sports medicine, 43 (9), p. 865-873
  • WEIGLEIN, L. et al. (2011) The 1-Mile Walk Test is a Valid Predictor of VO2max and is a Reliable Alternative Fitness Test to the 1.5-Mile Run in US Air Force Males. Military medicine, 176 (6), p. 669-673

Exercises with fitball

Instantánea 1 (27-04-2016 0-56)

¿Do you know any exercises with fitball?

This week, we have created a video with exercises with fitball very easy to practice in your house or open air.

If you have any question, you only comment this video and we answer you!


Music: Tracks, Vibe. “Beat Your Competition”

Effects of Diet and Exercise on Weight Loss

Nowadays a lot of people who want to weight loss use different strategies like: different kinds of diets, do exercises, fat burners drink, etc. But this strategies can fail to be effective. And arrive at moment when despite continuing doing exercise or diet you don’t lose more weight.

That’s why you need to combine both strategies: EXERCISE and DIET.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) do a review about researches that have assessed the effects of diet alone, exercise alone and a combination of diet plus exercise on weight loss and the prevention of weight gain.

In that review they talk about the conclusions of the different papers, for example, Skender et al. who do a 2 years study said that, although their diet-plus-exercise and diet-only groups had the greatest weight loss at 1 year, the exercise group was able to maintain their weight loss at the 2-year mark, but the other groups gained weight (the diet-only group gained more weight than at base-line).

Besides other authors, reported significant weight loss in their diet-only and diet-plus-exercise groups, compared with their control and exercise only groups (Utter et al.).

More recently, intensity of exercise was 12978521105_86b6a800b0_ocompared. Although body weight loss was equal between the low- and high-intensity exercise groups, the authors concluded that the higher intensity exercise program showed greater generalized improvements in muscle performance and physical fitness, as well as a stronger motivation for spontaneous physical activity compared with the low-intensity group.

In addition to exercise intensity, some researches have demonstrated that exercising in multiple bouts throughout the day con be as effective for weight loss and cardiovascular benefits as exercising for one continuous bout. Exercising in multiple short bouts throughout the day may provide greater adherence for some individuals who have erratic schedules. Jakicic et al. also reported than weight loss is greatest if energy expended is more than 150 min/week.

Although exercise alone does not provide the greatest weight loss over time, it does appear that exercise prevents weight gain and result in modest levels of weight loss. Nonetheless, with consistent exercise, the weight loss will be maintained. However, combined with a lower energy intake, a greater weight loss will be achieved. Furthermore, whit greater intensity exercise, greater improvements in physical fitness are observed. If weight loss or prevention of weight gain is the key, then the intensity of physical activity is not as important. However, if greater spontaneous exercise and, hence, greater energy expenditure will occur with higher intensity exercise (and perhaps with multiple bouts of exercise), then these may be other motivational tools used with some individuals.

In the most basic sense, people need to get moving throughout their day, and the more minutes they are active, the more likely they will lose weight or prevent weight gain. The level of intensity and type of exercise need to be individualized based on the goals of particular clients, their likes and dislikes, and their overall health.


Effects of diet and exercise on weight loss

Skender ML, Goodrick KG, Del Junco DJ, et al: Comparison of 2-year weight loss trends in behavioral treatments of obesity: Diet, exercise, and combination interventions. J Am Dietetic Assoc 4:342-346, 1996.

Utter AC, Nierman DC, ShannonhouseEM, et al: Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women. Int J Sport Nutr 8:213-222, 1998.

The first steps to start training

Currently there is a growth number of people who decide to start doing physical activity, either for reasons of health, to lose weight, exaggerating, or to get rid of that localized fat that many complexes usually cause.

However, changing the habits, and introducing the physical activity in daily routine, is a task that demand a big sacrifice and willpower. It often ends in a withdrawal by the person. Therefore to get a good training planning from the first day, is of great importance.

The first step to follow for beginning in any kind of physical activity practice, is ensure that the future athlete doesn’t suffer any kind of health risk to do that activity. For that, it exist a series of simples and effectives methods and instruments, that afford the people to increase they security when they start to do any kind of physical activity at the first time, and guide the persons who requiring it towards a medical supervision. The PAR-Q test, is a very simple and effective test which can be very useful for the future athlete.

The second step would be to define what arethe goals we intend to achieve through the practice of sport: losing weight, toning,
social relations… in order to chose why kind of activity are more suitable for them, however it is important that the chosen activity is interesting and motivating for the person (in this way we will avoid causing a rapid renounce from the same).


The third step to follow would be, under the supervision of a physical activity professional, performing a test of physical fitness that fits as much as possible the needs of the sport or physical activity chosen… It will allow us to establish a starting point to develop suitable physical exercise programme. And establish the athlete (aerobic/anaerobic) threshold.

Thus, through the results achieve by the fitness test, the training load (intensity) shall be stabilized of the fists training sessions, that`s will be slightly higher above the threshold levels (a load too big or small could be harmful), and make an improvement through training. As time goes on, training load, providing that’s must be increased gradually so will continue producing improvements in the body. Since if always the body is trained to the same level he gets used to this effort and already it does not suffer any more physiological adjustments, that is to say, the physical performance does not meet improved and even it can deteriorate.

In summary, if you are thinking of starting doing physical activity, choose an activity that is of interest to you, go step by step, don’t try to start 100% from first day, starts with activities of low intensity and complexity to be progressing slowly, and don’t forget to be consistent and patient with the results.
