Assessment of endurance fitness

There are two types of tests to assessment of the aerobic resistance: Maximum effort and submaximal effort. In this post, we have written about the submaximal effort because it uses in physical activity and health. In this types of test, it’s monitored the pulse rate and RPE (Rating of perceived Exertion Borg RPE Scale)

Why did assessment the aerobic resistance?

  • To establish a starting point to see the possible improvements
  • Volume and intensity of beginning
  • To have reference data
  • To identify strengths and weaknesses
  • To help to know short-term, medium-term and long-term goals

What test can you use?

  • According your level
  • According your age
  • Considering your limitations and injuries
  • Adapted to his interests and hobbies (more motivation)

When we must interrupt a stress test?

  • Chest discomfort
  • Systolic blood pressure <20mmHg
  • Systolic blood pressure >260mmHg
  • Diastolic blood pressure >115mmHg
  • Paleness, headache, nausea, clammy skin.
  • Failure to increase the pulse rate
  • Change in heart rhythm
  • You want to stop
  • Severe tiredness

Test A. YMCA step teststep1

The purpose of this test, is provides a submaximal measure of cardio-respiratory or endurance fitness. You can to step on and off the bench for 3 minutes straight while keeping a consistent pace and then see how quickly your heart rate will come back down

Equipment: a step with 30 cm, stopwatch and metronome (96 beat per minute)

Procedure: Go up and down during 3 minutes. After you finish, take the heart rate.

Scoring: The total one-minute post-exercise heart rate is the subject’s score for the test.


Test B. Rockport Fitness Walking Test

The objective of this test (Kline, 1987) is to monitor the development of the VO2max of people 18 to 69 years. Suitable for sedentary and older people.

Equipment: a stopwatch and distance of 1,6 km (one mile)

Procedure: To walk 1,6 km as fast as possible. The person records the time taken for the athlete to complete the test and the heart rate immediately on finishing.

Assessment: The formula (Kilne, 1987) used to calculate VO2max is:


You can calculate automatic:


Ladies 1 mile walk fitness score
Men’s 1 mile walk fitness score

Table reference: Heywood, V. (1998). The physical fitness specialist certification manual. Dallas (TX): The Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research.

Test C. UKK Walk Testwalk2

This test is designed to measure the respiratory and cardiovascular performance of  normally active men and women.  The UKK has proven to be a useful fitness assessment tool to support the guidance of exercise for health.

Equipment: a stopwatch and distance of 2 km (plain and interrupted)

Procedure: To walk 2 km as fast as possible. To register the heart rate every 500 meters. Then, to calculate the Walk Index.

Assessment: The test-result is the index-values which is calculated as follows (according to sex):




Assessment of endurance fitness


  • Earle, R. W., & Baechle, T. R. (2008).Manual NSCA: Fundamentos del entrenamiento personal. Paidotribo.
  • Heywood, V. (1998). The physical fitness specialist certification manual.Dallas (TX): The Cooper Institute of Aerobics Research.
  • Kline, G. M., Porcari, J. P., Hintermeister, R., Freedson, P. S., Ward, A. N. N., McCarron, R. F., … & Rippe, J. M. (1987). Estimation of VO2max from a one-mile track walk, gender, age, and body weight.Med Sci Sports Exerc19(3), 253-259.
  • LUNT, H. et al. (2013) Validation of one-mile walk equations for the estimation of aerobic fitness in British military personnel under the age of 40 years. Military medicine, 178 (7), p. 753-759
  • Nieman DC (1999) Exercise Testing and Prescription: A Health-Related Approach (4th Ed.). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, pp 90.
  • SARTOR, F. wt al. (2013). Estimation of maximal oxygen uptake via submaximal exercise testing in sports, clinical, and home settings. Sports medicine, 43 (9), p. 865-873
  • WEIGLEIN, L. et al. (2011) The 1-Mile Walk Test is a Valid Predictor of VO2max and is a Reliable Alternative Fitness Test to the 1.5-Mile Run in US Air Force Males. Military medicine, 176 (6), p. 669-673

Anthropometric Assessment: Somatotype

Interest in the body or physical type of people has a long history dating back to the ancient Greeks. Throughout the centuries, they have proposed different systems for classifying the physical, which have led to the origin of the system called “somatotype” proposed by Sheldon in 1940, and subsequently modified by others, especially by Parnell (1958) and Carter (1967). Sheldon was believed that somatotype is a fixed or genetic entity, but the present view is that somatotype is subject to change with growth, aging, exercise and nutrition (Carter and Heath, 1990).

What is it for?

Somatotype technique is used, therefore, to estimate and classify body shape and composition. The result is a quantitative summary of the physical, as a unified whole. It is defined as the quantification of the current shape and composition of the human body.

Somatotype utility is based on the relationship between the physical characteristics of the athletes and their sport own mechanical factors facing the prediction of success in the techniques used in detecting talents. The measures used to calculate the somatotype are:

  • Weight.
  • Height.
  • Muscle perimeters: biceps contraction and leg circumference.
  • Bone diameters: femur and humerus.
  • Skinfolds (using a compass skinfold): triceps, subscapularis and suprailiac.

Measures should be taken by qualified and experienced personnel, certified by the ISAK (International Society for the Avancement of the Kinanthropometry), and with perfectly calibrated equipment (scales, measuring rod, skinfold compass, pachymeter and tape measure).

Somatotype is expressed in a rating of three numbers representing the endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph, respectively, and always in the same order components.


Endomorphism: it represents the relative adiposity, refers to body shapes rounded own disciplines such as sumo or athletics throws.

Mesomorphy: it represents the strength or magnitude relative musculoskeletal, being predominant feature in sprinters, weightlifters, etc.

Ectomorphism: represents the relative linearity or thinness of a physical, referring to body shapes typical of disciplines such as the high jump and volleyball.

The three digits forming somatotype is calculated by a system of equations (one for component), using data mentioned above.


The unique combination of three aspects of the physical, in a single expression three numbers, is the strength of the concept of somatotype, what we It serves to:

  • Describe and compare athletes at different levels (amateur vs. professional) and categories (junior vs cadet).
  • Characterize physical changes during growth, aging and training.
  • Compare the relative shape of men and women.
  • As a tool in the analysis of “body image”.

The Heath-Carter’s method somatotype is the most commonly used today.


  1. CEJUELA ANTA, R. (2009). VALORACIÓN ANTROPOMÉTRICA: El somatotipo. Sport Training Magazine, (22), 48-51.



Anthropometric Assessment- Somatotype

Test Kidmed

During the last decades, a quick and important modification of the dietary habits has been observed in the Mediterranean countries, especially among young people. Several authors have evaluated the pattern of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in this group of population, by using the KIDMED test.


Therefore, I propose that you make this test, with which you will be able to know if your diet is adequate. Answering, you will know in that grade your diet resembles the ideal Mediterranean diet.

test kidmed

The results in this table:

test kidmed


García, C. S., Herrera, F. N., Rodríguez, H. C., Nissensohn, M., Román-Viñas, B., & Serra-Majem, L. (2014). KIDMED TEST; PREVALENCE OF LOW ADHERENCE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET IN CHILDREN AND YOUNG; A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Nutricion hospitalaria, 32(n06), 2390-2399.




If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by answering the questions of the PAR-Q test. If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the PAR-Q will tell you should ckeck whit your doctor before you start.



  • Rohner, R. P., & Khaleque, A. (2005). Parental acceptance-rejection questionnaire (PARQ): Test manual. Handbook for the study of parental acceptance and rejection, 4, 43-106.

What’s BMI?

According to Tsigos et al. (2008), obesity is the most prevalent metabolicbmi disease world-wide and affecting adults, children and adolescents.


The World Health Organization (WHO) declared obesity a global epidemic that constitutes one of the biggest current health problems.

Obesity is when there is a positive balance and the diet provides more energy than necessary, the excess is stores as fat. The body fatness is assessed by the body mass index (BMI) defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2body mass index

BMI form.JPG

More about energy balance


A man with 110 kg and 1.72 m

BMI=110/1,722 = 110/2.96 = 37.16 kg/m2

Results you can see in the table 1 (WHO, 1997) The International classification of adult underweight, overweight and obesity according to BMI.Table

Same example of man with 110 kg and 1.72 m, according to BMI=37.16 kg/m2 have Obese class II (35.00-39.00)

If you want to weight loss, first step is physical examination:

  1. Measure weight and height
  2. Calculate BMI
  3. Measure waist circumference
  4. Measure blood pressure

Very important to remember the important risk factors for the development of obesity (James, 2008 and Branca et al. , 2007):

– Low physical activity

– Sedentary lifestyle

– High energy density diet

– Eating disorders

On the other hand, weight loss objectives should be (Tsigos et al., 2008) realistic, individualized and aimed at the long term.

More about individualized training

Recommendations suggest that people 30-60 minutes of physical activity of moderate intensity (brisk walking) on most days of the week (Jakicic, JM. 2003 and Saris et al., 2003)

Our objective is reduce sedentary behavior and increase physical activity day to day


What’s BMI



  • Branca F, Nikogosian H, Lobstein T (eds)(2007): The challenge of Obesity in the WHO European Region and the Strategies for Response: Summary. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe,
  • Jakicic JM (2003): Exercise in the treatment of obesity. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am;32:967–80.
  • James WP (2008): The epidemiology of obesity: the size of the problem. J Intern Med;263:336–52.
  • Saris WH, Blair SN, van Baak MA, Eaton SB, Davies PS, Di Pietro L, Fogelholm M, Rissanen A, Schoeller D, Swinburn B, Tremblay A, Westerterp KR, Wyatt H (2003): How much physical activity is enough to prevent unhealthy weight gain? Outcome of the IASO 1st Stock Conference and consensus statement. Obes Rev;4:101–14.
  • Tsigos, C., Hainer, V., Basdevant, A., Finer, N., Fried, M., Mathus-Vliegen, E., … & Toplak, H. (2008). Management of obesity in adults: European clinical practice guidelines. Obesity facts1(2), 106-116.
  • WHO: Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic. Report of a WHO consultation. Geneva, WHO Technical Report Series 894, 2000.