Nutritional strategies to gain muscle mass

Protein is an essential macronutrient for humans because they play a variety of important physiological functions: form the structural basis of muscle tissue, is the principal component of most muscle enzymes, are the basis of the immune system and they have a prominent role in physical performance. In general, proteins are not considered as an important energy source during physical activity, since carbohydrates and fats mainly perform this function. However, we must consider that immediate energy reserves usually consist of deposits muscle and liver glycogen, which are around 400-500 g (whose energy intake is approximately 1600- 2000 Kcal), and the intramuscular fat; therefore in endurance long-distance sports, proteins can be an important energy resource.

Protein needs in athletes

There is no doubt that the proper quantity of protein and essential aminoacids in the diet is of great importance to the sports group in different physiological states, and in the same way, a protein deficit causes a decrease in the ability to generate maximum muscular power. Some studies declare that an additional amount of protein content in the diet as a form of aminoacid supplements or protein isolates are needed for optimal performance.

However, the minimum recommended quantity of protein needs for athletes varies according to the nature of the effort. These recommendations are shown in Table 1. The minimum range to ensure adequate intake if workouts with large volumes.



(grams x kg body weight)



Etzel (2004);

Kerksick (2008).

Physically active

1,0 – 1,4

Kreider y Campbell (2009); Lemon, (1996 y 2000);

Paul, (1989);

Reeds y Hutchens (1994).

Strength training, maintenance

1,2 – 1,4

Grandjean (1993);

Hicson (1994);

Kerksick (2008);

Wilians, (1993).

Strength training

1,6 – 1,8

Lemon (1992);

Hickson y Wolinsky (1994);

Reeds y Hutchens (1994); Tipton, (2007).

Gain muscle mass

1,7 – 1,8

+ positive intake (400/500 kcal/day to gain 0,5 kg of muscle/ week)

Bartels (1992); Burd (2009); Forbes (1994);

Koopman (2009);

Symons (2007).

Resistance traning

1,2 – 1,4

Andersen (2005);

Biolo (1995);

Clesley (1992);

Hoffman (2009);

Hulmi (2009);

Lemon (1996);

Willoughby (2007).


1,4 – 1,8

Hernandez (1996);

Nemet (2005);

Mettler (2010);

McCleave (2010).

Table 1. Recommended intakes of protein (g/ kg body weight) for different groups of people. (Urdampilleta, Martínez-Sanz y Vicente-Salar, 2010)

From a dietary point of view and nutrition is important to know what are the objectives of the training (if work is aerobic endurance or strength) to make an accurate advice based on protein needs. Another variable to consider is the degree of tissue damage in the practice of a particular sport.


Dietary-nutritional strategies for increased muscle mass

Bartels et al. (1992) note that an additional increase of 500 kcal / day can help increase weight 0.5 kg per week for strength training program. Even in some cases up 15% of the energy daily required is recommended to promote increased muscle mass. Hence, it is necessary to personalize the intakes, since athletes with great muscular development (more than 50-52 kg of muscle mass) and especially if strength endurance training, need extra protein intake. So, a diet with a positive energy balance, mainly in the form of carbohydrates (60-70%), improve protein balance and consequently would not be necessary to exceed the recommended quantity of protein identified in the preceding paragraphs.

The optimal time for protein anabolism starts after training during the first 2 hours, and until the following 6 hours as glucose protein turnover more easily into the muscle cell by a process independent of insulin and it is increased. In these first two hours carbohydrates intake allows resynthesis of muscle glycogen because insulin levels rise more effectively giving anabolic processes and improving hormonal status after exercise. Moreover, several studies indicate a carbohydrate and protein intake before and during training, to reduce protein catabolism and later without a protein supplement in recovery phases.


  1. PÉREZ-GUISADO J. Rendimiento deportivo: glucógeno muscular y consumo proteico. Apunt Medicina del´Esport. 2008; (159):142-52.



Nutritional strategies to gain musle mass




Is it possible to lose localized fat?

In this article, we will try to answer the eternal myth of whether it is possible to lose fat in a particular area of the body. Firstly, we focus on the physiological process that produces fat loss, so that the basis for answering the following questions. Next, we try to know the doubtful veracity of physical training concentrated in localized areas of the body in order to lose fat in that area.


The physiological process of fat loss

The fat loss process is initiated by hormonal response produced by various stimuli (e.g. exercise) as a result of an extra caloric requirement. Due to this stimulus, various hormones and enzymes are synthesized and sent to the bloodstream to begin the mobilization of fatty deposits. The bloodstream carries these hormones and enzymes throughout the body, including small capillaries and collateral circulation.

Thus, hormones and enzymes that are not brought to a point located in our body, that specific area where we desire to lose fat tissue, but to bloodstream that runs through our body. Therefore, the whole body adipose tissue is stimulated at the same time to release fat as triglycerides, fatty acids and glycerol.

So, it is physiologically impossible to get localized loss of fat, since it is impossible for the hormonal response comes exclusively to an area and does not reach the body.


In summary, it is because of this that concentrate the physical training in localized areas of the body with the intent to lose more fat in these areas is totally contraindicated. The loss of localized fat is physiologically impossible.

Hence, our physical training in order to lose fat should focus on getting high caloric consumption while we give the muscles the necessaty stimulus to keep it, since the objective is to lose fat, not lose weight. It will be multi-joint exercises, such as squats, bench press, deadlift and bodyweight exercises, along with a program of cardiovascular work planned, continuous aerobic training or HIIT (Boutcher, 2013) which grant most benefit when increase the rate of caloric intake. Of course, accompanied by a diet with a caloric deficit.

Finally, commenting that in future issues, we will study the HIIT trend in depth, which, according to recent studies, it is considered as an effective method to increase daily caloric rate.


  1. Boutcher, S. H. (2013). Ejercicio Intermitente de Alta Intensidad y Pérdida de Grasa.PubliCE Standard.
  1. Kostek, MA, Pescatello, LS, Seip, RL, Angelopoulos, TJ, Clarkson, PM, Gordan, PM, Moyna, NM, Visch, PS, Zoeller, RF, Thompson, PD, Hoffman, EP, and Price, TB. (2007) Subcutaneous fat alterations resulting from an upper body resistance training program. Med Sci Sports Exerc 39: 1177–1185.


Is it possible to lose localized fat?


The most important determinant of what we weigh is the amount of energy in the food we consume, and that energy is measured in calories (Nestle & Nesheim, 2012)

Calorie is a unit of energy. In nutrition, calories refer to energy consumption through eating and drinking, and energy usage through physical activity (Nordqvist, 2016)54

To calculate the calories, you need only mathematics. When you eat foods, the body burn the food: 4 Cal per gram of protein, 4 Cal per gram of carbohydrates and 9 Cal per gram of fat. Therefore, if you know the composition and amount of food, you have only to multiply for these quantities to know the total calories.

For example: If you eat a low-fat yoghurt


How many calories do you need?

The official Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) published by the national academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine recommends that for an adult, 45 to 65 percent of calories should come from carbohydrates, 20 to 25 percent should come from fat and 10 to 35 percent should come from protein (Trumbo et al, 2002)

Carbohydrates should consist mostly of whole gains. The consumption of whole grains provides more nutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well as greater amounts of fiber, all of which can help to stave off cardiovascular disease and cancer (ACSM, 2013)BikurimS

Protein is another macronutrient that if often perceived as the building block of muscle in the body. The protein is required for muscle growth (ACSM, 2013)

Fat (nutrient that if often thought of as bad) is required for proper bodily function. Monounsaturated fats (olive oil) and polyunsaturated fats (sunflower oil) should be consumed in higher amounts than saturated fats (butter). The reason is because saturated fats lead to increased risk of heart disease because they increase blood levels of LDL (ACSM, 2013)

Although to individual level, is different. Every person is different. This is due to the metabolism of every person (genetic, lifestyle, physical activity, age, sex, hours of sleeps,…)

You can to calculate the daily caloric with this tool:

                When you eat 500 calories, a chocolate ice cream or broccoli, the body don’t burn o save calories in the same manner. Every food digested of different form and a food contribute different calories depends of the form cooking, temperature, ingredients, time of the year, …

Don’t forget:

– Satisfy all nutritional needs.

– Protect an individual from hunger between meals, provide a sense of well being.

– Parallels normal eating habits and tastes as much as possible

Adapted from Kantor


American College of Sports Medicine. (2013). ACSM’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Christian Nordqvist. (2016). What Are Calories? How Many Do We Need?. 22 de abril de 2016, de Medical News Today Sitio web:

Kantor M: Evaluating weight loss programs. Available at http://www.agnr.umd.ed

Nestle, M., & Nesheim, M. C. (2012). Why calories count: from science to politics. Health Affairs, 31(9).

Trumbo, P., Schlicker, S., Yates, A. A., & Poos, M. (2002). Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein and amino acids. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 102(11), 1621-1630.

Trumbo, P., Schlicker, S., Yates, A. A., & Poos, M. (2002). Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein and amino acids. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 102(11), 1621-1630.








Keep-calories effect

There are people “thrifty”. In spite of eating little and doing low-calorie diets, gain weight or can’t lose weight. Why don’t I lose weight?

  • Stress is very important to lose weight. If you have stress, you can to gain weight, though you are doing diet. The stress release hormone cortisol. The actions of cortisol are: degrade the muscle mass and decrease the metabolism. This stimulate the accumulation of fat extra. Is an ancestors defensive mechanism in time of famine: it’s better to save fat reserves to survive. Now, the stress isn’t caused by the cold, the hunger or the food shortage, is the crisis and the bad organization. Therefore, we eat with anxiety and gain weight.



  • Sleep deprivation. A lot of  researches has shown that people don’t sleep good, have problems to weight maintenance or lose weight. This is due to nibble fat food and sweets. You need to sleep more hours or have time to take a little nap to burn more calories.
  • No maintain muscle. This is a problem in women who chose walk 90 minutes a day
    fit balland has low-calorie diets to maintain or lose weight. Every year, they tend to eat fewer. The explanation is that from 35 years old, we lose muscular mass. Tjul.pnghe less muscular mass you have, minor is the oxygen consumption and minor calories you need a day. The solution is include exercises routines with weightlifting, elastics, fit ball,…to gain muscular mass. We want to change the “cardiovascular-walker” to “strengthened women”. You can to eat more and removing fats easily.
  • Starve or not to eat sufficiently. There are people who subsist with a inadequate breakfast and two little meals per day to lose weight. Is very important to have 5 meats per day to burn more calories and maintain the active organism, avoiding the establishment fats. When you starve between hours, you can to modify insulin and glucose levels in blood and contribute to accumulate extra fats.



Keep-calories effect


  • Stone, M. H. (1994). Weight gain and weight loss. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning: National Strength and Conditioning Association. Baechle, TR, ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 231-237.

Effects of Diet and Exercise on Weight Loss

Nowadays a lot of people who want to weight loss use different strategies like: different kinds of diets, do exercises, fat burners drink, etc. But this strategies can fail to be effective. And arrive at moment when despite continuing doing exercise or diet you don’t lose more weight.

That’s why you need to combine both strategies: EXERCISE and DIET.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) do a review about researches that have assessed the effects of diet alone, exercise alone and a combination of diet plus exercise on weight loss and the prevention of weight gain.

In that review they talk about the conclusions of the different papers, for example, Skender et al. who do a 2 years study said that, although their diet-plus-exercise and diet-only groups had the greatest weight loss at 1 year, the exercise group was able to maintain their weight loss at the 2-year mark, but the other groups gained weight (the diet-only group gained more weight than at base-line).

Besides other authors, reported significant weight loss in their diet-only and diet-plus-exercise groups, compared with their control and exercise only groups (Utter et al.).

More recently, intensity of exercise was 12978521105_86b6a800b0_ocompared. Although body weight loss was equal between the low- and high-intensity exercise groups, the authors concluded that the higher intensity exercise program showed greater generalized improvements in muscle performance and physical fitness, as well as a stronger motivation for spontaneous physical activity compared with the low-intensity group.

In addition to exercise intensity, some researches have demonstrated that exercising in multiple bouts throughout the day con be as effective for weight loss and cardiovascular benefits as exercising for one continuous bout. Exercising in multiple short bouts throughout the day may provide greater adherence for some individuals who have erratic schedules. Jakicic et al. also reported than weight loss is greatest if energy expended is more than 150 min/week.

Although exercise alone does not provide the greatest weight loss over time, it does appear that exercise prevents weight gain and result in modest levels of weight loss. Nonetheless, with consistent exercise, the weight loss will be maintained. However, combined with a lower energy intake, a greater weight loss will be achieved. Furthermore, whit greater intensity exercise, greater improvements in physical fitness are observed. If weight loss or prevention of weight gain is the key, then the intensity of physical activity is not as important. However, if greater spontaneous exercise and, hence, greater energy expenditure will occur with higher intensity exercise (and perhaps with multiple bouts of exercise), then these may be other motivational tools used with some individuals.

In the most basic sense, people need to get moving throughout their day, and the more minutes they are active, the more likely they will lose weight or prevent weight gain. The level of intensity and type of exercise need to be individualized based on the goals of particular clients, their likes and dislikes, and their overall health.


Effects of diet and exercise on weight loss

Skender ML, Goodrick KG, Del Junco DJ, et al: Comparison of 2-year weight loss trends in behavioral treatments of obesity: Diet, exercise, and combination interventions. J Am Dietetic Assoc 4:342-346, 1996.

Utter AC, Nierman DC, ShannonhouseEM, et al: Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women. Int J Sport Nutr 8:213-222, 1998.

Energy balance as a main factor in weight loss

The energy balance is the balance of the energy of the body. As in any other balance, it reflects the situation between intake and expenses of energy character.

We can speak about three types of balances.

On the one hand, the good balance means that the enebalanzargetic income that is given is equal to the total daily energy expense. On the other hand, the positive balance means that energy intake is higher than energy expense, which is translate into energy for the growth and fatty deposits. Finally, we find the negative balance, which means that the energy intake is less than energy expense, which results in a depletion of the body mass.

The balance between the energy needs and caloric intake is the main determinant the weight of the body.

When there is a positive balance and the diet provides more energy than necessary, the excess is stored as fat leading to overweight and obesity.

When the energy intake is less than the expense, the body fat and the protein is used resulting in a decrease in weight and malnutrition.

The body weight did not allow us to specifically to know the fat and protein compartments, but it is a key anthropometric measure for the health of the guy. A proper weight speaks about a good nutritional status.

The desirable weight calculation can be performed through BMI (body mass index) or height-weight tables.

The real secret to know how to lose weight in a healthy way is to make small changes gradually, and it must be durable. The key is to forget about instant results and transform these small recommendations in habits


Energy balance as a main factor in weight loss