Is it possible to lose localized fat?

In this article, we will try to answer the eternal myth of whether it is possible to lose fat in a particular area of the body. Firstly, we focus on the physiological process that produces fat loss, so that the basis for answering the following questions. Next, we try to know the doubtful veracity of physical training concentrated in localized areas of the body in order to lose fat in that area.


The physiological process of fat loss

The fat loss process is initiated by hormonal response produced by various stimuli (e.g. exercise) as a result of an extra caloric requirement. Due to this stimulus, various hormones and enzymes are synthesized and sent to the bloodstream to begin the mobilization of fatty deposits. The bloodstream carries these hormones and enzymes throughout the body, including small capillaries and collateral circulation.

Thus, hormones and enzymes that are not brought to a point located in our body, that specific area where we desire to lose fat tissue, but to bloodstream that runs through our body. Therefore, the whole body adipose tissue is stimulated at the same time to release fat as triglycerides, fatty acids and glycerol.

So, it is physiologically impossible to get localized loss of fat, since it is impossible for the hormonal response comes exclusively to an area and does not reach the body.


In summary, it is because of this that concentrate the physical training in localized areas of the body with the intent to lose more fat in these areas is totally contraindicated. The loss of localized fat is physiologically impossible.

Hence, our physical training in order to lose fat should focus on getting high caloric consumption while we give the muscles the necessaty stimulus to keep it, since the objective is to lose fat, not lose weight. It will be multi-joint exercises, such as squats, bench press, deadlift and bodyweight exercises, along with a program of cardiovascular work planned, continuous aerobic training or HIIT (Boutcher, 2013) which grant most benefit when increase the rate of caloric intake. Of course, accompanied by a diet with a caloric deficit.

Finally, commenting that in future issues, we will study the HIIT trend in depth, which, according to recent studies, it is considered as an effective method to increase daily caloric rate.


  1. Boutcher, S. H. (2013). Ejercicio Intermitente de Alta Intensidad y Pérdida de Grasa.PubliCE Standard.
  1. Kostek, MA, Pescatello, LS, Seip, RL, Angelopoulos, TJ, Clarkson, PM, Gordan, PM, Moyna, NM, Visch, PS, Zoeller, RF, Thompson, PD, Hoffman, EP, and Price, TB. (2007) Subcutaneous fat alterations resulting from an upper body resistance training program. Med Sci Sports Exerc 39: 1177–1185.


Is it possible to lose localized fat?

One thought on “Is it possible to lose localized fat?

  1. Elena Sánchez

    Hola!! Se agradece muchísimo leer un post sobre este tema, ya que llevaba algún tiempo buscando uno que se centrara sobre este mismo. Sin embargo, tengo una cuestión sobre la que no he encontrado mucha información ”segura” acerca de ello… ¿Es posible perder grasa, a la vez que se gana músculo? Es decir, que tipo de dieta habría que seguir o algunas recomendaciones… Algo que me pueda ayudar a entender ese proceso.
    Muchas gracias. Un saludo!!

    Liked by 1 person

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