Individualization of training

The practise of physical activity and exercise regularly is an important instrument that people have within reach to develop and maintain their health. In this way, they can leave behind a sedentary lifestyle.

Nowadays, physical exercise is one of the most important things inside the interest of the society. His practice produces physiological, mechanical, psychological and social changes and adjustments.FiguraArt2

  For this reason, the practice of activity and physical exercise must be a carefully planned and programmed process. Only thus, training can be well organized and we will achieve the main objectives to be able to plan, programme and execute the following work.

We don’t care what your goal. If your aim is the competition, to improve your health, to lose weight or to toning your body… it is necessary to plan your training.

It is a matter of importance that we design an activity program. This program has to reach suitable amount to get the maximum benefit with de minimum risk. That is the why for that the development of plans of training should be conducted for highly qualified and specialized professionals.

To produce a positive effect in state of health, the practice must be:calendario.PNG

  • Regular
  • Chronicle
  • Systematic
  • Progressive

It is important to stress those factors that they could produce permanent changes in the lifestyle and encouraging a physically active lifestyle.

The training programs have to be personal. Two people could have the same goal but the plans of training are going to be different because physical, psychological and environmental factors are individual of every person.

Among the physical factors influences genetics, the innate qualities of each person; age; sex, the training between men and women are different; the physical capacities and motor ability; the physical current level; the speed at which you can be adapted, this factor will mark the progression of de loads; training experience and state of health.

The psychological factors are determined by the motivation and tastes. These will direct and determine which type of exercises will be. Also, these will define the level of intensity of exercises.

Finally, environmental factors are given by personal goals, by time to train, by type of nutrition and by time of rest. Other factors that influence are the place where is going to develop the activity and instruments and materials used.

To sum up, to begin to do physical exercise is indispensable to plane an individualized training and this one has be controlled by qualified personal



Individualization of training


  • Oca y Navarro (2010). Principios básicos sobre la programción y prescripción del entrenamiento deportivo. En Naclerio, F. Entrenamiento deportivo, fundamentos y aplicaciones en diferentes deportes. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 357-369.
  • Jiménez y Alvar (2010). Prescripción de programas de ejercicio físico en personas no deportistas. En Naclerio, F. Entrenamiento deportivo, fundamentos y aplicaciones en diferentes deportes. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 371-385.

2 thoughts on “Individualization of training

  1. Marta Menher

    Me ha parecido muy intenresante el artículo sobre todo la parte de la adaptación de la programacion individualizada. Sinceramente, creo que ese es el camino que los preparadores físico y los entrenadores deben seguir para poder obtener el máximo rendimiento de los deportistas según los objetivos marcados.

    También, cabe destacar que en los deportes colectivos es un poco mas complicado llevarlo a la práctica, pero hay que conseguir trabajar individualmente y luego complementandose con el resto del equipo buscando un mismo objetivo global.

    Liked by 1 person

    • wtexercises

      ¡Hola Marta Menher! Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Es cierto que en los deportes colectivos es más complicado conseguir un alto grado de individualización, no obstante, en muchos de ellos se trabaja en distintas posiciones o roles dentro del mismo, y es papel del entrenador potenciar las cualidades de cada deportista y escoger la posición y el entrenamiento más adecuado para él. De nuevo, muchas gracias por tu interés y no dudes en contactar con nosotros ante cualquier duda.


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